申请 AccessKey 和 SecretKey
安装 Python 的 SDK
安装 Python 运行环境
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from qiniu import Auth, put_file
access_key = '申请到的AccessKey' secret_key = '申请到的SecretKey' global_token = ''
def get_token(): """ 获取上传文件的token """
if global_token != '': return global_token
q = Auth(access_key, secret_key)
bucket_name = '在七牛云添加的bucket空间'
token = q.upload_token(bucket_name, None, 3600)
return token
def upload_file(local_file, key): try: """ 上传文件到七牛云存储 """ token = get_token() ret, info = put_file(token, key, local_file, version='v2') if info.status_code == 200: return True return False except: return False
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| import os import upload_help
def dir_name(file_dir): total_count = 0 total_succeed_count = 0 total_fail_list = [] print('开始上传文件...') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir): for dir in dirs: if dir != "html" and dir != "preview": count, succeed_count, fail_list = file_name( '%s/%s' % (root, dir)) total_count += count total_succeed_count += succeed_count total_fail_list.extend(fail_list) print('上传完成...') print('%s本次共处理%s个文件' % (file_dir, total_count)) print('%s本次上传成功%s个文件,失败%s个文件' % (file_dir, total_succeed_count, total_count - total_succeed_count)) open('%s/fail_list.txt' % file_dir, 'w').write(str(total_fail_list))
def file_name(file_dir): total_count = 0 total_succeed_count = 0 fail_list = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_dir): count = 0 succeed_count = 0 for file in files: fname = '%s/%s' % (root, file) previewIndex = fname.find('/preview/') htmlIndex = fname.find('/html/') if previewIndex == -1 and htmlIndex == -1: count += 1 succeed = upload_help.upload_file(fname, file) if succeed: succeed_count += 1 if succeed != True: fail_list.append(fname)
total_count += count total_succeed_count += succeed_count return total_count, total_succeed_count, fail_list
if __name__ == '__main__': dir_name(r'/Users/vanzheng/xx/dirs')